Create a data frame that sums up a CART tree obtained with the function in the rpart package

calcul_cart(cart, data)



an rpart object


the data used to create the rpart object. It must be a data frame


tableau a data frame that sums up the CARt tree: - node_name_cart: node number - parent: ancestor of the node - depth: depth of the node - var: name of the splitting variables - threshold: splitting value - n: number of obsevations in the node - pred: label of the node - n_case: number of observation with "Y=1" in the node - n_noncase: number of observation with "Y=0" in the node - prob = P[Y=1|N]: empirical probability that in the node an observation belongs to the label "Y=1" - sens: direction for the decision rule. Observation with "x<threshold" are sent to the left node and observations with "x>=threshold" are sent to the right node.


WARNING: the option 'control=rpart.control(maxsurrogate=0, maxcompte=0)' must be used in the function rpart when building the rpart object. Otherwise the result returned by the function may be incorrect